Travelling With Kids In The Car – Getting There And Making It Great


With the economy being what it is and the high cost of air travel, car trips are becoming more and more popular. For many of us baby boomers and gen-xers with young families, a family vacation by car brings back fond and funny memories of childhood. But for any adult who's ever traveled with small children and heard the question, “When are we gonna be there?” the car trip can be a two-edged sword.

Going on vacation by car with kids is always an adventure. But by planning in advance, we can diffuse a lot of the monotony for our kids and abate some of the irritation for ourselves in the process. First off, we've got to accept the fact that spending more than and hour in the car at one stretch is a long time for anyone let alone a kid. For long car trips, kids need diversions and we'll get to that.

But before we think about how to keep them occupied during the ride, let's make it a point to stop frequently along the way, every 2 to 4 hours at least. Rest stops and parks are great because they can get out and be active for a few minutes. Let them expend some of that pent up energy and you'll have a more peaceful trip.

Games for the car can be anything. My daughter likes to count Mini Coopers. If you're in an area where there aren't any, pickup trucks or sports cars will work fine. There are more structured games that work for the car, but be careful about games that require reading in the moving car as tummies may get upset.

Seeing who can spot the most out-of-state license plates or convertibles or two-door cars can keep a youngster busy for an hour or more. I m sure you get the idea — games work.

My friend Dave has six kids, god love (and help) him. He and his wife are amazing the way they run that household and car trips are no exception. They demand good behavior, but they bring along a sufficient cache of small rewards, mostly toys, to hand out periodically as rewards for both obedience and right answers in games. It's a hit.

Music is great, but for younger kids, sing-along is better. Anything to keep them active and engaged staves off boredom. If you're not opposed to screen time for your kids, car DVD players can be the ultimate babysitter. Even if TV is not your ideal solution, if you happen to be traveling alone with your kids, it could be your savior.

Storytelling can work if your kids are game for it. If you can demonstrate by making up a silly story, the kids can jump in and have a lot of fun. Making up a group story where everyone adds the next line can be a blast and have everyone in stitches.

It's super important, especially for longer car rides, to have ample room for everyone. Cramped quarters will eventually lead to unhappiness for one or all of your young passengers. If you can't fit all of the luggage in the trunk or rear of the vehicle, think about securing it to the roof. If that's not possible, borrowing or renting a larger vehicle might be a beneficial consideration.

Most parents are fortunate in that the kids will probably sleep for at least part of the trip. Bring pillows, covers and favorite stuffed buddies — whatever helps them along. Having snacks and drinks for everyone probably goes without saying. A first aid kit that includes aspirin is also smart. Bring extra of everything just in case you are delayed or detoured along the way.

One other important thing to remember while we all like to make good time getting to our destination when we travel in the car, it's always more pleasant and safe to take things easier when we travel with our kids. And don t forget, as challenging as the car ride can be when our kids get impatient or unhappy, half the fun IS getting there.

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