Florence in The Novel by Dan Brown Inferno


The great Florentine poet Dante with his most important work has given the world a vision of the afterlife, its detailed description of Hell has been so successful that it has been passed down through the centuries and nowadays can give strong emotions.

The great contemporary writer Dan Brown has written the book Inferno, a novel based on the most important literary work of Dante, the Divine Comedy. Thanks to the fame of the author and the interest of the topic the book Inferno has sold millions of copies around the world.

The plot of the book takes place mostly in Florence, a place full of art and history, birthplace of the great poet Dante. The story of the book Inferno is set in a contemporary Florence and narrates the vicissitudes of Professor Robert Langdon and a woman, Doctor Sienna Brooks. They are involved in a mysterious plot that develops along the lines of Dante's poem.

This story is narrated in a mystery that fuels the ancestral fears of man, either today as in the past we feel helpless in front of the great disasters afflicting the mankind. The professor is pushed by a spirit of adventure and he does not give in to the obstacles, so he starts hunting for clues to solve an intriguing mystery. This attitude soon relegates him to the role of fugitive hunted by the authorities of the place.

While escaping the protagonist is finding the places and the experiences of the famous Florentine poet, partly emulating the events he was being persecuted for and driven out of town for his political positions, which forced him into exile from Florence for most of his life .

The novel Inferno by Dan Brown has been so successful that more than being made a film it has also attracted strong interest of the millions of tourists who annually visit Florence. This phenomenon has led some travel agencies to create an Inferno tour which retraces the footsteps the movie and some historical sites of this city.

This route called Inferno tour take tourists and fans of Dan Brown's story to discover some of the most important historical sites of Florence like: old buildings, secret passages and towers, as well as exclusive Corridor Vasari.

Florence is a great city as the setting for this novel for its many places in addition to excel in beauty are also steeped in history and mystery in the novel Inferno emerges a mysterious town and a little gloomy that is often overshadowed by the great works of art and architectural known and appreciated worldwide.

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