Visa On Arrival – What Does It Actually Mean?


When you plan out a foreign trip, arranging your clothes to ensuring your passport, a lot of activities and details need to be checked. Among all these, making sure about your visa is another task to be carried out. You should be confirm about whether your destination location requires a visa for entry or not, because there are few places who allows visa on arrival for visitors. Now, VOA is a visa that will be given to you on landing the particular location. From the name, it might seem that visa on arrival is an effortless way of receiving a visa, but while the truth is even VOA comes with its batch of potential hassles, of which you should be aware of.

An Option Offered By Only a Handful of Nations:

Visa on arrival is offered by only selected few countries and that too for visitors who are tourists and not on business trip. Moreover, not every length of visa comes under this category. Some country offer visa on arrival only for one year duration visas.

Visa Options Can Change Without Notice:

Countries who offer visa on arrival can change the terms and conditions of their visa either frequently, as per their convenience or without much public attention. So, if you are heading for a destination that has records of offering VOA, please check on their websites, related to visa service to confirm any updates or changes.

You Still Need To Do Your Homework:

If your place of visit has a VOA option, that does not mean you need not to do anything before landing there. For example, Vietnam has visa on arrival option but you need to have a letter of approval from an agent in the country, before you set your foot on their boundary. In the similar manner, other VOA offering nations might have various other requirements. Thus, it is wise to do a thorough study of the visa requirements and facilities before your departure.

The Wait Can Be Longer Than Your Expectation:

Generally, a lot of tourist loves to visit various part of the globe when it is season time. If you are also one among them, then you need to be mentally prepared to spend more hours in the airport to receive your visa on arrival. Moreover, sometimes due to over crowd, it becomes difficult to recognize the actual queue.

Be Aware Of Actual Fees:

Taking advantage of the in flowing tourists rush, sometimes few tourist agents can charge you extra bucks. So, before you conclude with one agent, make sure to cross verify the actual fee rate before going ahead for your proceedings.

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